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Number of results 2 for candida

23/04/2017 - Alcoholism without drinking alcohol
Irritability, aggressiveness, borderline personality disorder, hyperactivity, attention deficit disorder, development delay,  defiant oppositional disorder, and insomnia are some symptoms seen in alcoholics. But alcohol may also induce the opposite effects: depression, hypoactivity, somnolence, brain fog, social apathy, anxiety, etc. 
If the person never drinks alcohol, how is it possible that they show characteristics of an alcoholic person?
The answer is: a yeast-like fungus infection or intestinal candidiasis. In this article we are going to explore the topic of yeast overgrowth: testing, causes, consequences and treatments.

15/03/2013 - Could hay fever be a nutritional problem?
Several hypothesis try to give a reason of why hay fever or allergic rhinitis is touching more and more people in development world: hygiene hypothesis, genetic predisposition, polluted environment, ... but, what if food plays a determining role as trigger?